Companies need to examine disposal choices and look for options that boost the bottom line or at least assist with paying for compliant disposal of electronic devices. The disposal of electronics, including company IT equipment, is a massive business and is growing at an alarming rate throughout Africa.

Mobility in the workplace has also led to a market for refurbished devices and has created a continual stream of electronic equipment to be disposed. Equipment considered obsolete for one company might still have value for another so one needs to delve into electronic equipment disposal by understanding the devices Fair Market Value (FMV).
ITAD vendors often buy equipment from organisations to refurbish and resell or to strip the device for materials. For the company, this approach provides steady and predictable revenue that can be offset against the cost of compliant disposal of electronic equipment.
However, when considering the benefits of these disposal options, one needs to remember the risk management implications. IT asset disposition (ITAD) is a complex and specialised business and management often gets lost building an effective IT Asset management program.
Modern businesses have a heavy replacement cycle of IT equipment has enabled ITAD vendors to specialise on the process of streamlining disposition of IT assets, while minimising costs and maximising recouping of losses. Vendors like Xperien have therefore built a business around disposing of obsolete or unwanted computer equipment in a safe and responsible manner.
Businesses with old computer equipment are regularly faced with decisions of whether to refurbish or resell, recycle or dispose of electronics. The only way to do this effectively is with a proper IT Asset Management Program. It will not only guide management through the processes, but it will also provide concrete guidelines to stakeholders and ensure accountability.
Managing expectation is crucial in any long term project, it is important to get all stakeholders moving in the same direction at the same time to achieve aligned goals. Meeting expectations is the best way to measure the progress or success of any ITAD project.
A clear roadmap to manage expectations and measure outcomes is required. One needs to build a three to five year IT Asset Management Roadmap to manage organisational expectations for a new program or growing an existing one.
Also, when the processes and stakeholders are as diverse and widespread as those in building an IT Asset Management Program, it is easy to get lost in the scope of all the tasks that need to be accomplished.
To establish the actual current state, it is critical that all stakeholders are involved in initial discussions. One needs to examine each activity area to determine its maturity phase, it could range from undisciplined or immature to advanced.
Management can then use these assessments to determine the current state and where they want to be over the next 3-5 years. Review the results of the current state surveys and begin to lay out the initial roadmap.
Look at each activity area and determine the actual activities that need to take place to reach the desired proposed maturity phase. Activity areas can include but are not limited to organisational, financial, contracts, inventory control, procurement. For example, in the activity area of inventory control, one may want to address procurement of hardware and software or IT asset disposal.
One needs to carefully establish and assess what activities are achievable in each phase. The program is accountable for accomplishing the activities that will move the ITAD program from phase to phase.
If done correctly, this strategy has the potential to defray the costs of electronic equipment disposal, and perhaps earn profit for the company. However, it is important to analyse the administrative costs of the program and its security risks.
For more information contact Xperien on (011) 462-8806 or email